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Conflict at work costs companies thousands of pounds every year in lost hours (sickness), reduced output through arguments but what is not understood is the lasting damage conflict at work can cause, not only to those involved but, to everyone.

An atmosphere in the workplace will cause stress which reduces peoples effectiveness, increases mistakes and creates fear. Where a Company fails to deal with conflict the relationship of trust with it’s employees is broken.

At ESA we believe that most conflicts could be avoided if everyone communicated effectively and, therefore start and are fuelled through a breakdown in communication.

Mediation is now recognised as one of the fastest and most cost-effective ways to dispute resolution where all parties want to find a solution yet for some reason cannot reach a settlement on their own.

ACAS defines workplace mediation as:

“a completely voluntary and confidential form of alternative dispute resolution. It involves an independent, impartial person helping two or more individuals or groups reach a solution that's acceptable to everyone. The mediator can talk to both sides separately or together. Mediators do not make judgments or determine outcomes - they ask questions that help to uncover underlying problems, assist the parties to understand the issues and helps them to clarify the options for resolving their conflict.

The overriding aim of workplace mediation is to restore and maintain the employment relationship wherever possible. This means the focus is on working together to go forward, not determining who was right or wrong in the past.”

Mediation can take many forms and our qualified mediators will consider the information given in the Referral Form to recommend the best format for the particular dispute. This will depend on a number of factors:
  • The nature of the dispute.
  • How long the dispute has been going on.
  • How many people are involved.
  • What has been done to resolve the dispute so far.

Why mediation is a better option

  • Saves time and money.
  • Minimises stress.
  • Offers the prospect of a quick solution.
  • Produces a win-win outcome.
  • Resolves the dispute to suit both parties rather than something being imposed on them.
  • Increases the chance of avoiding a permanent breakdown of the employment relationship.

The mediator helps the parties to address their current concerns and issues as well as their expectations and goals. Throughout the mediation process, the mediator considers how to move the parties forward, and works with the parties involved to consider future needs, expectations and options.
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